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4.00 P.M.

Symphonic Spring in Tripple Hall Karolina Ostrava
Tripple Hall Karolina Ostrava

We cordially invite you to the concert "Symphonic Spring", which will take place on 1 May 2022 in the Karolina Triple Hall. The concert will feature works by James Barnes, Bert Appermont, Oliver Waespi, Percy Grainger and Johan de Meij.

The soloist will be Matúš Krpelan (trombone). The concert is conducted by Ondřej Packan and moderated by Petr Kubala.

Photogallery from the concert you can find here

Recordings from the concert you can find here

The concert is held with the support of Trojhalí Karolina, the Statutory City of Karviná, OKD Foundation, Landek Foundation and Život umělce Foundation.

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