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Májovák performs in Spain
Torrevieja (ESP)

Májovák took part in the 16th "Bandas de música" festival in Torrevieja last week. The concert took place in the "Eras de la Sal" amphitheatre on the shore of the Mediterranean. The band played pieces by Thomas Doss, Alfred Reed, Samuel R. Hazo as well as Czech music composed by Smetana, Dvořák, Zámečník, Staněk and Fučík. As solo clarinetist, Ondřej Janča played Óscar Navarro's "II Concerto para clarinete y banda sinfónica". The performance had been artistically prepared by the band's conductor Ondřej Packan. The final piece, Fučík's Florentine March, was conducted by Mr. Adrián Hurtado Aldeguer, the host band's conductor. The concert was widely attended, Májovák was awarded with standing ovation and experts appreciated the performance as captivating and professional. We also exchanged gifts with the hosts and invited the local band to Karviná. Its citizens will have a chance to attend the Torrevieja orchestra's performance. The tour was supported by the statutory town of Karviná and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Photography: Milan Polóny

Photogallery here

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