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Májovák wins gold at WMC Kerkrade
Kerkrade (NL)

Májovák has won the gold medal at WMC Kerkrade, the Olympics of symphonic bands in the Netherlands. On Saturday 22nd July 2017, the orchestra was awarded the gold medal with the score of 83.17. It is the greatest success since 1989 when our band last took part in the contest. The competition has been extremely tough this year, making our position more valuable. Májovák played Adam Gorb's Summer Dances (test piece) and the impressive piece Praise Jerusalem! by Alfred Reed. The orchestra gave an excellent performance and was rightfully awarded gold, which is maily thanks to our conductor Ondřej Packan's effort. At the age of 25 he managed to prepare the ensemble for the contest and be a match for older conductors.

Audio recording from our contest performance you can listen here:

Praise Jerusalem!
Summer Dances

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