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Májovák performed in Czech Radio
Czech Radio Ostrava

Our orchestra opened the year 2024 with a successful concert. In Studio S1 of the Czech Radio Ostrava, the chamber orchestra of Májovák performed works by Antonín Dvořák (Serenade in D minor for wind instruments, Op. 44) and Richard Strauss (Suite in B flat major, Op. 4). The solo saxophonist Lukáš Kolek also shone in the programme, playing an extremely demanding composition by the French composer Vincent David.

The orchestra was conducted by Filip Urban, the chief conductor of Májovák.

The entire concert was also broadcast live on the Czech Radio's YouTube channel - Concerts of the Czech Radio and you can watch the recording here

Photo gallery from the concert (photo by Lucie Maceczková) can be found here

The concert was supported by the Statutory City of Karviná, the Landek Foundation and Czech Radio Ostrava. 

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